Friday, December 9, 2011

South West High School in Concert
I bet the auditorium is 500 seats big. I had not seen such a place at a HIGH SCHOOL. It might be quite a distance between cities before one can enjoy such an arena anywhere else, but here at the South West High School in El Centro. 

We seated ourselves somewhere towards the middle, a wee bit up from the podium. 
The first orchestra  for this "Winter Concert" (politically correct instead of Christmas Concert) was a group of junior high students. It was their first public performance and you'd have to be astonished how good they actually were.
When the next group entered, the performance was even better. More exercise makes a master, you know.
That way the concert proceeded until we could hear and enjoy the "Creme-de-la-creme", the upper grades with a professional touch that made the listeners jump up from their seats, giving standing ovations. All orchestras were string orchestras. 

Good music always elevates my spirits, and even though I felt pretty tired before we went to town - it was all gone after the concert.

Today I had another 2-hour session with Dottore. Luckily it went over without any pain so I could go and do some shopping in Yuma. Found a place on 4thAve selling German delicatessen. Boy - what a place. Yummy...

Thanks for stopping by!

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